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A Picture Speaks A Thousand...


I have been obsessed with words for as long as I can remember. Although I don't particularly enjoy reading books (shocker, I know...please forgive me), I can at times be found reading through the dictionary (or more recently Googling definitions of words because I had to leave my favourite Dictionary/Thesaurus in Canada). Discovering new words, yes, but also trying my best to remain true to the significance behind the smallest and simplest of words.

People overuse words to the point where the meaning is changed or lost completely. Losing the significance of words has made describing extreme situations beyond difficult. We have run out of words accurate enough to paint a picture in the mind of a listener/reader of the beauty of a sunrise, the sorrow felt of losing someone and the feelings of falling in love. Silence - - - can seem like a better option because often times we think that in the absence of words there is less room for misunderstanding. In all honesty I think it's a lack of communication. This is one of the greatest forms of misunderstanding.

I believe in the midst of our endeavours, this is what creatives are in pursuit of: both to be understood and to fully understand. Be it writing, painting, dancing, drawing, filming or photography, we invite others to share the feelings and emotions we hold closest to our hearts and use our craft as a means to sort through concepts we are trying understand for ourselves.

Pages of worn out journals, and notebooks falling apart at the seams and so many more blank pages waiting to be used as a tool giving expression to thoughts, ideas and memories. I recently realised that when I don't make the time to journal, write or blog, my mind becomes cluttered and it takes more time for me to process situation. I become frustrated more easily and tend to have a more difficult time explaining my thoughts because there are too many things my brain is trying to sort through. Putting words on paper leaves room for new concepts and ideas.

I've been told since I was young "use your words". I do, but I try my best to use them wisely. I want the things I say to hold weight because the times when I speak up are when I have something important to say. I'm not always good at this, but I am working on getting better. Words have the ability to change mindsets, mend relationships and build people up. They also are capable of destroying self-esteem, tearing friendships apart and breaking people's hearts.

"There is a time to keep silence and a time to speak" Ecclesiastes 3:7

I think the root of this is not so much to be mindful of words, but a reminder to be aware of where your heart is at. "What you say flows from what your heart is full of." Luke 6:45.


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