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I think we often mistake inspiration for motivation and revelation. We have what we ned to be inspired in front of us every day, but do we choose to allow the details of life speak to us? Motivation is a reason for acting in a particular way, or a desire/willingness to do something. We can’t wait on inspiration to be motivated because if we are constantly waiting to find ourselves in a sate of being inspired, how will we know when that moment is? Instead, we need to be motivated enough to find ourselves inspired by all that is around us so when God gives us fresh revelation, we will be able to express it from the overflow of our hearts. Beauty can come from brokenness when God’s breath has spoken life into it, and He’s using us to express the beauty of all He’s created through art.

Surround yourself with beauty. Draw creativity from the things you intentionally place in your everyday life knowing they will inspire you. Dream always. Take risks. Create from a place of worship. Let love be the motivation of your heart with 'others' as the goal of all you create.

Create often therefore, because when you are called on by the Kind to present yourself before Him the nobility of your work will be proof of your loyalty to His cause. This is not your judgement of damnation, but al call to live above the norm. Find purpose in your work. Your purpose behind the things you create will determine whether the things you create point to you or point to God. Know the reason you do the things you do and do them passionately. Do what you love and find joy in all that you do. Calling is assignment and your assignment can change over time, but no matter what your calling is, your purpose will never change.

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